Market at Tenochtitlán

Market at Tenochtitlán
The market at Tenochtitlan. Mural by Diego Rivera, Palacio Nacional, Mexico City

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Week 9, Oct. 26, 30: The role of the state in the economy

Readings from "The Economics Book", all having to do with the role of government in the economy. All these chapters are short. Page numbers and ebook locations are listed.

Readings for Monday Oct. 26

p. 64 - Make taxes fair and efficient, Location 1162
p. 76 - Borrow now, tax later, Location 1444
p. 130 - Make one person better off without hurting the others, Location 2467
p. 140 - The poor are unlucky, not bad, Location 2695

Readings for Friday Oct. 30

p. 100 - Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution, Location 1868
p. 142 -Socialism is the abolition of rational economy, Location 2739
p- 148 - Capitalism destroys the old and creates the new, Location 2839
p. 282 - The East Asian State governs the market. Location 5506

 Final project

Project 1, due Monday, Oct. 26. Each work group will pick a brand (or suggest a topic for the professor's approval). You can all enter this document and edit it to show which brand your group has chosen. Those who act sooner get first choice. If you have a different proposal, put it at the end of the document. 

Project 2, due Friday Oct. 30. Find 10 sources, you plan to use for your final project: books, company annual reports, industry-focused magazines, news articles, etc.

The sources can be in Spanish or English. Write a sentence or two in English about why this source is relevant to the study of your brand. Be sure to include your brand's name and names of all the team members on the document. Upload in Project 2 in ADI. Only one person from the group needs to do this.

Project 3, due Monday Nov. 2. Identify the largest competitors by number of employees, revenue or market share that compete with your brand. Upload your document to Project 3 in ADI. Be sure to include your brand's name and names of all the team members on the document. Only one person from the group needs to do this.

Project 4, due Friday Nov. 6, present a 1-page outline of your brand presentation. List the key points that you plan to make about your brand. Upload it to Project 4 in ADI. Only one person from the group needs to do this. 

What is an outline? It simply lays out how you plan to organize and present your information. It could look something like the image below.

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