Market at Tenochtitlán

Market at Tenochtitlán
The market at Tenochtitlan. Mural by Diego Rivera, Palacio Nacional, Mexico City

Monday, September 7, 2020

Week 3, Sept. 14, 18: Introduction to markets: prices, supply and demand, rational man, invisible hand

 Readings for Monday, Sept. 14

1. Economics Book, Prices come from supply and demand, p. 108-113, location 2025 - 2119 in the Kindle edition.

2. From The Economics Book   The Age of Reason", read the Intro, Man is a cold, rational calculator; and The Invisible hand of the market brings order. Loc. 884-1108 in Kindle, pp. 47-61 in print edition.
3. Chapter 3 of Mandel, Market Equilibrium and Shifts, in Contents in ADI.
Why you aren't paying more for bananas, but retailers are . Wall Street Journal article on how low prices on one item can drive people to choose one store over another.

The banana is one step closer to disappearing, National Geographic report on a fungus that is threatening Latin America. 

Recommended: Planet Money Summer School podcast, Markets and Pickles
The podcast
The transcript of the podcast

A food bank in Alaska gets sent a truckload of pickles, more than it could ever use. A food bank in Idaho gets sent a truckload of potatoes, the last thing it needs. With the help of economists, the food banks figure out a way to create a trading market, complete with information sharing and prices.

  • Supply and demand
  • Local knowledge problem
  • Gains from trade
  • Information asymmetry
  • Monopoly

Exercise 2, Where are the jobs in Marketing?

The goal of this exercise is for you to see what the labor market is seeking from graduates in communication.

1. Create a document in Word

2. You will  search for a total of five items: either job advertisements for graduates in communication OR articles about the job market for graduates in Marketing. These can be in English or Spanish.

3. Put the links in the document along with the headline (in any language).

4. Make a list (in English) of the requirements and expectations they list most often in the job advertisements or the articles.

In other words, what are employers looking for? What kinds of skills? What kinds of abilities?

5. Upload the document to Exercise 2 in ADI. Due Friday Sept. 18.

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