Market at Tenochtitlán

Market at Tenochtitlán
The market at Tenochtitlan. Mural by Diego Rivera, Palacio Nacional, Mexico City

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Some general feedback on the brand projects

 Obstacles overcome: well done 

This course was about having you learn through experiences and exercises. It works best when we are all in the same room. We couldn't do that, but maybe next year.

Some things I saw you accomplish:

  • Your research was very thorough and impressive, and the experience should serve you well in future courses. 
  • You managed to do an in-depth assessment of a brand in four minutes, a significant challenge.
  • You analyzed technical business documents, which should also serve you well in future courses.
  • You coordinated work as teams across distances and time zones.
  • You showed patience in dealing with the technical difficulties associated with Zoom classes, for which I thank you.

Suggestions for future presentations

  • Practice your oral presentations. And then practice them again. And again. They become smoother and more conversational the more that you practice. You gain confidence. You don't trip over difficult words. Your message becomes more persuasive.
  • Present with conviction and enthusiasm as though you have discovered something interesting (which you have) and are excited to share your discovery with others.
  • Make sure that you understand every technical term you use, such as "negative net cash flow and negative net liquidity". Look them up so that you do understand them, and then use them with confidence.
  • Start making a portfolio of your best work for future internship and job applications.  

Be an influencer 

Marketing is about knowing who your customers are, identifying their needs and wants, and satisfying those needs and wants. Be the kinds of marketers who influence people with creativity, humor, powerful language, compelling images, and, above all, honesty and integrity. In a world full of disinformation, people value credible, trustworthy brands. My hope for you all is that you will be those kinds of influencers.

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